Thanks to all who attended our Pints and Pours to End Polio! Our 50/50 raffles raised $2182. This becomes $6,546 with the Gates Foundation 2:1 Match! We also just enjoyed a great Foundation Gala on November 7 where we celebrated our support for The Rotary Foundation.
November is Rotary Foundation month. Your contributions to The Rotary Foundation enable our District Matching Grants as well as our international projects. Your donations are invested for three years and then become available through our Annual Fund SHARE system. The investment income plus 5% of the original amount are used for administrative costs. After three years, 47.5% of the original donations are available for our district to use. Up to half of the 47.5% (23.75% of the original) is able to be used for district matching grants. Our district's philosophy is that we want to use as much of this as possible (with good stewardship) for matching grants. The other 23.75% is used to match approved global grants initiated by our clubs, support our Peace Centers worldwide, and PolioPlus.
Sorry about all the numbers - but the upshot is that your donations enable our work. Charity Navigator has rated The Rotary Foundation leading 5 star charity for fifteen years - the best rating possible. Remember that The Rotary Foundation is our Foundation - the trustees are fellow Rotarians with the same hearts and hands for service and high ethics as you!
By now, many of you have heard me speak. As part of that, I suggest that you consider creating a bequest to The Endowment Fund of The Rotary Foundation. The income from bequests is used annually as directed by the bequester and can be directed to be distributed through Annual Fund SHARE system. A bequest of just $25,000 on average will return $1000 of income annually in perpetuity. In other words, with a bequest of $25,000 you would be essentially a Paul Harris Society member forever! Please consider your legacy with The Endowment Fund.
Dale Smith District Governor 2024/2025 Rotary International District 6630 Past-President Rotary Club of Mentor The Magic of Rotary
District Governor Dale Smith welcomed Rotarians and their guests to the Annual Rotary Foundation Gala held November 7th at The Center in Stow. This annual event celebrates District 6630 Rotarians who contributed to The Rotary Foundation and recognizes them for their generosity. In addition, he introduced the new Peace Builder banner which recognizes 6630 as a Global Peacebuilder District. 6630 has a long tradition of supporting the Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Area of Focus.
Nathanael Billow, Rotary Club of Akron Club President served as Master of Ceremonies to recognize new donors for the 2023-2024 year in the categories of:
Clubs with 100% Every Rotarian Every Year and 100% Giving to The Rotary Foundation; Top Giving Clubs, End Pollo Now Certificate of Achievement; Major Donors and Paul Harris Society.
PDG David Jones graduated the second class of Leadership 6630 graduates at the event, which has now become a fantastic tradition. This year's graduates include:
Mike Talty, Jessica Hanes, Albert Tien, Shail Jain, Mike Valentino, Georgeann Jones, Jennifer Kelly, and N'ecole Ast.
The event was organized by IPDG Julie Brandle, who thanked her committee, as well as event night special assistance from Lisa Hebert, AG Kim Polatas, District First Lady Jeri Ann Smith, and of course behind the scenes proofreading and protocol assistance from PDG Beverly Ghent-Skrzynski. Much appreciation as well to Annette Oborn and Rich Warfield, District Treasurer for welcoming guests at Registration; Kevin Wermer for the Moment of Inspiration and Dustin Boswell for leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The committee included:
DG Dale Smith
DGE Bob Oborn
DGN Terri Speck
PDG Larry Lohman
PDG David Jones
Tina Ingraham
Dan and Becky Garry - for the masterful art of the DESSERT DASH!
The Dessert Dash this year raised over $7,500! What a fun way to have Dessert and a fundraiser as well!
Thanks to all who were able to join us for a fun night of fellowship on this beautiful STARRY NIGHT.
The Northeast Ohio Rotary Club (E-ClubNEO) brought a lot of smiles to families with pets.
If you brought your pet to Dietz Floral in Cuyahoga Falls, your pet would be photographed with Santa Simon.
For a $10 donation per pet, professional photographer, Maria Kaiser from The Rotary Club of the Heights of Greater Cleveland took beautiful photos that will be sent to the families this week.
While photos were in process, other volunteers braided dog/cat toys that were given to our four-legged models with the remaining quantity donated to a local shelter.
All proceeds go toward the Club service projects.
Here are a few candid behind the scenes snapshots taken including
one featuring our official "Elves" with Santa Simon - they helped prepare the families, dogs and cats for their sittings.
Saturday, Oct. 13th 2024 dawned cold and rainy but couldn’t cast a dark cloud over Rotary’s 5th Annual JEEP INVASION fund raiser for Veteran causes in Geauga County.
All but a couple of Jeeps that had registered showed up to enjoy a day of fun in their favorite vehicles.
Almost a hundred entrants enjoyed the cruise through Geauga County led by sheriff Scott Hildenbrand and his deputies.
Again this year the tour took a slow short drive on the Maple Highlands Trail which is normally closed to vehicles of any kind. The day started out very wet from over night rain but by 7:30AM Jeeps of all description began to arrive like it was a sunny fall day. A couple of Jeeps, sans tops, rolled in with their damp but hardy drivers. There’s die-hards in every crowd.
Goody bags were handed out to all entrants with coffee, donuts and later hot dogs and snacks from the Mayfield Road Drive-in concession stand kept everyone going. Raffle baskets and a 50/50 drawing kept entrants busy until the Jeeps rolled off at 10:00AM on the tour. Event Chair Andrew Pleso from event major sponsor Junction Auto Family did an incredible job putting this whole event together and running it smoothly.
The Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield has made this an annual fund raising event to fund their donations to many Veteran causes in our great Geauga County, this year netting over $17,000 through sponsorships and entry fees. Andrew and his staff of 13 club members and 4 volunteer guests pulled off another successful event to keep Rotary a leader in humanitarian work in our Geauga community.
On Thurs., Nov. 7, 2024 Rotarians attended the 2023-2024 Rotary District 6630 Foundation Gala at the Center Community Hall in Stow, Ohio. About 200 attendees celebrated another year of strong giving to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). All of our District 6630 major donors for the year are recognized for their support of TRF.
This Foundation is the engine that drives all the local and international matching grants that Rotarians around the world use to do most of their humanitarian work. It also funds the scholarships that are awarded to World Peace Fellows from around the world who are engaged in peace and conflict resolution work in their home countries.
These Peace Fellows can attend one of six universities around the world for one year of training in their field of expertise at Rotary’s expense. Past Ambassadorial Scholar Wisdom Addo was in attendance form his home country of Ghana where he stages highly popular and impactful “Peace Jams” attended by large groups of youth. Past District Governor Bob Johnson and Past Burton-Middlefield Rotary Club President Mike Valentino and their wives were in attendance. Mike was recognized for completing his year of attendance in the Leadership 6630 training program that develops future Rotary leaders for our district. Bob was recognized for his membership in the Paul Harris Society for his giving to the Rotary Foundation through the years.
The event has become famous for its fund raising event called the “Dessert Dash”. Many different, beautiful and delicious desserts are brought by volunteering Rotarians and placed on a long table. Monetary donations from the Rotarians at each table are placed in an envelope. The table contributing the greatest amount of donations gets to “dash” to the dessert table first and grab the dessert that their table has selected. Tables are called in quick succession in descending order of donations so speed is paramount. Our table was second and our speedy “dessert grabber” brought us a delicious chocolate pound cake that was beautifully decorated which we all enjoyed. Past District Governor Dave Jones wife Georgeann and Past Burton-Middlefield Rotary Club president Mike Valentino’s wife Linda from two different tables almost collided going for a scrumptious looking chocolate cherry cake. The monetary donations from the event are then given to The Rotary Foundation. The Foundation Gala is a yearly event that celebrates donations and support of TRF by all Rotarians from our District 6630 for the 2023/2024 Rotary year which ended on 6/30/2024.
PDG Bob Johnson
Burton-Middlefield Rotary
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