In recognition of upcoming World Rotary Day February 23rd – a perfect time for clubs and members to share their story, recognize the good work being done in your communities and beyond, and even encourage new membership.
How can you do that?
• Encourage members to change their profile pictures with one of the photos -- see the sample to the right -- click here to download the photo file (they are embedded in a WORD document for you) – or you can also make your own. 
• Share a photo daily leading up to World Rotary Day February 23rd on individual member social media, as well as club pages, from a recent project or having Rotary fun and add “Ask Me About Rotary.”
• Take it further and post 7 days in a row with different images of projects or events to celebrate “One Week of Rotary.”
• Create a new post or image that uses your club logo with a line of text that recognizes World Rotary Day February 23rd.
Clubs who post for World Rotary Day and tag the District 6630 page will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card from the Public Image Committee! I will personally match this with a second $50 gift card for an individual member who posts and will be entered into a separate drawing. Individual members and clubs who post at least 4 times prior to World Rotary Day February 23rd will receive an extra entry into their respective drawing giving them an extra chance to win! Be sure to #6630 and #askmeaboutrotary!
Questions? Send a DM on the District 6630 FB or LinkedIn! Or email DG Julie Brandle.
Special thanks to our District PI Committee for their work on these graphics and helping create the plan for the Ask Me About Rotary campaign!  I'm excited to hear your success stories and celebrate with you on World Rotary Day February 23rd!
In Rotary Service, 
Julie Brandle, District Governor 6630
Past President, Rotary Club of Akron, Ohio 
Cell 330.858.6672 |