On Jan.29, 2025 following their monthly Board of Directors meeting, the Rotary Club of Burton-Middlfield held their first Maple Splash Raffle (MSR) drawing for the monthly "Instant Winner".  This year's raffle was changed to award 2- $500 Instant Winners instead of one $1000 winner in last year's drawings.  The MSR committee felt that it was better to have 2 winners than 1 and most folks would be just as happy winning $500 as they would with $1000.
The first two winners were Donna Borsi and Dave Kleve. Their $500 checks will go out on 1/30/2025. This drawing marked the kick off for the long list of winners from the MSR.  The main drawing and MSR Festival will be on July 12 of this year at Century Village where we are planning bigger and better facilities and even more participants.  Fun is the main goal of the MSR Festival and offers an opportunity to learn about many non-profits that offer a multitude of services to Geauga residents. 
The excitement of the attendees when the winners are drawn and announced is electric along with announcement of the MSR 50/50 raffle winner.  This is a separate drawing and last year handed a $7000+ check to an overwhelmed purchaser of a $5 - 50/50 ticket go to maplesplashraffle.com to learn all that the raffle has to offer, including our "Outdoor Adventure" ticket and  money saving ticket bundles.
The MSR is the major fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield and funds all club operations throughout the year and also our generous donations to over 30 non-profits that serve Geauga County.  Last year these donations totaled over $90,000.  As our raffle continues to grow we expect profits to increase this year as they have every year to date.  The club continues to receive many thank yous and letters of appreciation from their sponsors for the great visibility and increased traffic the raffle has given them.  Buy some tickets and join the fun and become a winner of one of our dozens of great prizes including that beautiful Ford F-150 pick-up from Preston Ford.
Bob Johnson, PDG
Secretary - BMR

Giving back to the community by bringing people together and working toward an event which raises awareness of local needs, encourage local unity, and brings in funding for non-profit organizations.