Posted by Marsha Pappalardo
During a recent stay for medical challenges at Wade Park VA and rehab at their Cares Tower, PDG Jack Young had the opportunity to talk with Vets and staff.  Since the cares towers unit was completely shut down to visitors due to COVID the morale and hope was low.  

The Veterans did have some board games, CD’s and puzzles but one can only use the same item so many times before they become boring.  They did receive a virtual TV and headset and PDG Young was asked to be the first Vet to use it, but only one Vet at a time could participate.

With the conversations he had with the Vets, PDG Young saw a need to secure more new games, CD’s and puzzles to be used by the Veterans. Because of COVID, no used items can be accepted by the VA.  ONLY BRAND-NEW ITEMS can be accepted.

With that PDG Young contacted Andrew Mangels of the RC of Westlake-Bay Village to see if he could have several clubs help get items for the VA.  He also asked Rotarian Marsha Pappalardo if the Rotary Club of Brunswick might be willing to help as well.

In addition, he was talking with PDG Jack Harig who is a Veteran and works with Veterans and asked if he could possibly do the same thing in the Akron area.  

With that PDG Jack Young talked with Courtney Mashits of the Wade Park VA Volunteer Services about the need for these items.  Thus, they scheduled the first delivery of items from the Rotary Clubs of Westlake and Brunswick for Thursday, November 19.   PDG Jack Young met PDG Jack Harig and presented the items to Volunteer Services.  Over 25 new games, etc., were delivered to the VA.

In addition, PDG Harig contacted Julie Brandle and Linda Farkas of the RC of Akron and they are collecting items from the Summit County S-Medina County Cluster to be delivered to the VA Hospital the first of December.

PDG Jack Young that this process and suggestion is only designed to help those Veterans who are hospitalized and served our country.  These types of games give them hope during their time in the hospital.

He also hopes that after the second Delivery in December that all clubs in Rotary District 6630 can help with items or cash donations to the VA.  This would send a special message from our district to all individuals in Ohio that Rotary really cares about those who have served our country.

As a final note, PDG Young has also shared this process with are Rotary Friends in Michigan, PDG Larry Wright and past Rotary International Director Mike McCullough to see if they may want to do the same thing in their district.  As a final note, the reason for sharing this information with the district is to give back to those Men and women who have served in the military to defend our freedom.

Special thanks to PDG Jack Harig and Andrew Mangels who have helped make this process a reality. For more information, please feel free to contact PDG Jack A. Young ( or 440-759-4000)

Photo L-R. : Courtney Mashits, VA Volunteer Services; PDG Jack Young; PDG Jack Harig
Yours in Service - 
Marsha Pappalardo