Posted by David Lariviere
Medina Mayor Dennis Hanwell Welcomed to Medina Sunrise Rotary
Mayor Dennis Hanwell received a warm welcome from Medina Sunrise Rotary as he addressed four of the City's leading initiatives which connect people and create Community. Rotarians were honored to listen to 4th-Term Mayor Hanwell's pre State-of-the-City trailer that featured the successful growth of Collaboration and Community in Medina.
This morning, Don Spickler - Rotary Foundation Chair, recognized Leon Skowronski with a Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) for his contributions to the Rotary Foundation, in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among people of the world.
Following Skowronski's distinguished PHF Award, Julianne Bedel - Executive Director of Medina District Library, and Katy Fuerst - Major Gifts Officer of Akron Children's Hospital Foundation, were officially inducted as community leaders and new Rotarians in Medina Sunrise Rotary.
PHOTO (L to R):
Don Spickler & Leon Skowronski
Julianne Bedel, Will Koran, Katy Fuerst, Anna Guy-Leach, Mayor Dennis Hanwell

Medina County Fair Honors Ensembles Perform at the Fair to a Full House
Photo: Kerry Gregoire & Medina County Fair Honors Ensemble
The 2024 Medina County Fair Honors Ensembles -- band, chorus and orchestra, gave a delightful summertime performance in the Pavilion at the County Fairgrounds on Thursday, August 1. The orchestra and elementary choir were proudly featured at noon, and the band and youth choir performed at 1 pm. Close to 200 students participated this year under the direction of Ensemble Coordinator Mike McClintock, with the help of our community volunteers from Medina Sunrise Rotary and the US Air Force/Space Force.
"I'm always so amazed at the talented kids of Medina County," said ESC of  Medina County Superintendent Dr. Bob Hlasko. "Today was one more example of how blessed we are with outstanding students and staff who entertained a full house at the Fair."
PHOTO (L to R):
Kerry Gregoire, Joshua Hamblin, Don Spickler, Matt Strehe, Dr. Bob Hlasko