On Saturday October 19, 2024, we will hold a club experience summit at Paradigm at Mentor High School. We will hear from District 6630 Rotarians to learn how they make meetings more engaging, listen to growing clubs on how they became more attractive and engaging to new members, and hear from brand new members on why they were attracted, why they joined and what will keep them in Rotary. The graphic below gives a few more details about the event. Please join us after the event at Collision Bend Brewing in Euclid (Yes Euclid!) for a Pints to End Polio to continue conversations that started at Paradigm, celebrate how far we have come in eradicating polio and pause to remember that the fight is not yet complete!
Paradigm is a meeting space on the far northeast corner of Mentor High. Signs will direct you to Paradigm.
Attendance is free but we encourage registration in advance so that we can prepare for you. CLICK TO RSVP