
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
Dear Rotarians:
The District 6630 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Committee encourages your club’s involvement in sponsoring local high school juniors (who will be seniors in August 2024) for the upcoming leadership camp at Baldwin Wallace University (BW) in Berea, Ohio. Please read this entire letter, due to the continued changes that have occurred with the registration of participants from the past two years.
The RYLA Committee has planned a five-day leadership conference for high school juniors who are aspiring young leaders. The conference will be held June 9-13, 2024 at BW. The program will enhance the student’s leadership skills through lectures, hands-on participation and recreation.
The cost to the sponsoring Rotary Club is $550.00 per student. This fee includes room, board, staff fees, supplies and recreational costs. There will be a 10:1 student to staff ratio and a professional conference director on campus the entire week.
Again this year, we will be using an ONLINE APPLICATION process. If you want to send the school a copy of the application, that is fine. Once the participant(s) have been selected, they must register with the same online application. The link to the online application will be sent to you, once your payment has been received by the RYLA District Chair. At this link, campers will fill out an APPLICATION form; a MEDICAL RELEASE form, the CONSENT RELEASE and AUTHORIZATION form and be able to view a tentative schedule of activities.
We must receive your check for payment prior to you receiving the password to give to your selected participant(s). Payment Deadline: TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024.
Make checks payable to: Rotary District 6630-RYLA
Applications due by Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Applications accepted after 04-30-24, if limits are not exceeded.
This year’s program will be limited to 65 students. There is no limit to the number of students your club may sponsor, however, we ask that you sponsor no more than 2 students from the same school.
If you have questions, feel free to call Marc at 440-826-3483 or e-mail mwest@bw.edu.

D. Marc West
RYLA Chair - Rotary District 6630
c/o Marc West
110 Bonds Hall
Baldwin Wallace University
275 Eastland Road
Berea, OH 44017-2088
Phone to: (440) 826-3483
Or E-mail to: mwest@bw.edu