Each year the Rotary model is to change many of its officers including Club Presidents and District Governor’s.  The main purpose of this is to continue to bring fresh ideas and leadership styles into our organization.  It is cumbersome at times, but has served Rotary remarkably well for over a century.   The Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG) has the responsibility to conduct a selection process through the Nominating Committee, to select the person who will serve as District Governor (DG) for the Rotary year. 
There are many responsibilities that go with this position but it also gives an opportunity to work with some very dedicated and hard working Rotarians in overseeing all district operations for your year, and to serve Rotary in general along with only 536 others in the world during your year.
Please give careful consideration to any Rotarian in your club or the district that you feel has the ability to serve in this position.  Obvious criteria are; leadership skills, ability to plan and delegate, organizational skills, good health, ability to travel and as I mentioned above, the ability to work with others. 

As a district governor you have proven strong leadership skills and decision making. During your year in office, clubs will look to you for leadership, support, and motivation as they carry out service projects and participate in Rotary programs.

What you do as Governor

  • Conduct, implement, or review District strategic plans
  • Strengthen clubs, organize new clubs, and grow membership
  • Encourage contributions and other support for The Rotary Foundation
  • Promote positive public image and serve as spokesperson for district
  • Serve as a spokesperson for District and Rotary when appropriate
  • Support the Rotary Foundation through fundraising and grant activities
  • Develop a safe environment for youth participants
  • Supervise the District leadership team
  • Conduct District events, including the District conference and other meetings
  • Communicate at least monthly with each club president and secretary
  • Foster continuity by working with past, current and incoming District leaders
  • Supervise District nominations and elections
  • Prepare annual budget, provide annual report, and help administer District Designated Funds
  • Officially visit each club (through meetings with one or more clubs) to raise awareness of important Rotary issues, support struggling clubs, motivate club members to participate in service, and recognize members' contributions
  • Complete online District qualification
  • Follow the District Governor Code of Ethics
  • Perform other duties as an officer of Rotary

How to prepare

Governors are elected by the district clubs two to three years before taking office.

As governor-nominee:

  • Take courses for governors-nominee in the Learning Center
  • Attend the governors-nominee training seminar
  • Learn about the district
  • Start planning the district conference

As governor-elect:

  • Take courses for governors-elect in the Learning Center
  • Attend the governors-elect training seminar and International Assembly
  • Conduct training for incoming district leaders and club leaders
  • Continue to plan the district conference
  • Qualify district for Rotary grants and conduct grant management training
  • Appoint assistant governors and committee chairs
  • Work with the governor and district leaders to create a district plan

As governor:

  • Take courses in the Learning Center to help you manage challenges you may face while running your district
  • Conduct the district Vibrant Club Workshop

Resources & reference


Rotary support