Well another MSR Festival has come and gone and as we had hoped, was the best one yet!  All the intense work by MSR Chair Larry Fox, Kathy Vatty and the MSR committee, not to mention the entire club pushed us over the top of our goals and will allow BMR to have another successful year of supporting non-profits around our county.  We were blessed with 35 non-profits that attended this year's event and enjoyed the visibility and exposure that they are genuinely very thankful for.  Some of the new successful activities at the festival were the "Outdoor Adventures prizes that excited the hunting and outdoor crowds that live throughout Geauga County.  The off-road vehicle, the Kayak, the high quality hunting and fishing gear and all of the other outdoor equipment caused a frenzy of ticket sales towards the end of the event.  Our new on-line 50/50 raffle was incredible and generated over $14,000; (a $7500 payout) to a lucky young lady who was excited beyond words.
The food was great, our beer tent was popular and sold out before the event ended, our two great bands; Rockability and Ace-Molar; were very well received and provided great entertainment all afternoon.  A little rain didn't seem to dampen spirits and the crowd swelled to record numbers when it stopped and dried out.  By chance the trend towards prize winners  seemed to favor local ticket purchasers this year more so than in the past which excited the crowd on hand even more.
A complete list of prize winners will be available on-line after a complete audit of the entire project is completed.
The Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield is proud of the results of this fund raising project that finances all operations and expenses throughout the year.  A great deal of work goes into the success of the raffle and we sincerely appreciate all of our sponsors starting with the Chevy Network and the Preston Super Store and including all vendors and sponsors that support our work.  The huge amount of work that BMR Rotary does throughout the county all year long would not be possible without the support of our sponsors and the success of this event.  Thanks to the Geauga County Historical Society and Century Village for the use of their very accommodating and comfortable facilities that fit our event perfectly.  If you wish join us and bring your company or organization on board as a sponsor of our event and take advantage of our vast exposure and advertising visibility in the future please call 440-478-0866.
Bob Johnson, PDG
Secretary, RC of Burton-Middlefield