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Article submission deadlines for the
District 6630 Connections eBulletin are as follows:
July 2024 - June 2025 Deadlines
Articles must be submitted by the 10th of each month
Subject line should be:
Submit to two people: 
Cheryl Warren at CAWARREN@NEO.RR.COM
Tina Ingraham at  TINA@MARKETING101ADV.COM 

District and Club Events Calendars

End Polio Now at Progressive Field 2024
Aug 02, 2024
5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
District Finance Meeting
ZOOM Meeting
Aug 20, 2024 6:00 PM
District 6630 Board Meeting
ZOOM Meeting
Aug 21, 2024 6:00 PM
View entire list

If your Club subscribes to ClubRunner create an event within your ClubRunner site and mark the event to be shown on the District website. 
Your events will then appear within the Club Calendar  on both, the District Bulletin and District home page.
Be sure to check out all the new updates that rolled out and are part of your ClubRunner subscription in the article below.
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Rotarians of 6630, 
It is with immense appreciation and gratitude that I write to you for the final time as your District Governor.
I couldn't have asked for a better experience serving this past year. Working alongside the best in the Rotary " business " so to speak, I watched, learned from, and celebrated your clubs and their successes in achieving goals, serving communities, and most of all having fun! 
I am filled with immense pride and gratitude for the collective achievements we have accomplished together and I can't wait to see what you do next.
Our theme this year, "Create Hope in the World," has been more than just a slogan; it has been a guiding principle, a call to action, and a beacon of light after some very challenging times over the last few years. 
This past week we held our Banner Exchange when we transfer the DG banner from Akron to Mentor, when the leadership of the District ceremoniously passes to the new DG.
It was a wonderful evening of recognizing our committed volunteers and their clubs for their dedication to outstanding leadership and service. I will be contacting those who could not attend to bring out their awards at one of their meetings soon if there wasn't someone in attendance from their club who accepted on their behalf. 
I want to share some of my speech with you from the evening's festivities:
"...Hope is not merely a passive wish; it is an active endeavor. Throughout this year, our district has embodied this truth by undertaking numerous projects that have brought tangible changes to our communities and around the world.
I challenged clubs to look at programs and projects that would focus on three areas: women and girls empowerment, environment, and mental health. 6630 did not disappoint. From meeting presentations to cluster projects, clubs answered the call. Through these projects and others, we have strengthened our partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and other Rotary clubs. Together, we have amplified our impact, proving that when we collaborate, our ability to create hope multiplies.
As we look forward to the coming year, let us carry forward the spirit of hope that has defined our journey. Let us continue to inspire, to serve, and to bring light to the darkest corners of the world. Each one of us has the power to create hope, not just within our communities, but globally.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. To our dedicated Rotarians, our partners, and our communities, thank you for your unwavering support and commitment. Your passion and dedication have been the driving force behind our success.
In closing, let us remember that hope is a gift we give not just to others, but to ourselves. By creating hope in the world, we enrich our own lives with purpose, meaning, and joy. As we embark on a new Rotary year, let us continue to be the hope we wish to see in the world.
Thank you and let us go forth and continue to "Create Hope in the World", just this coming year we’re also going to add a little magic…"
Best wishes to incoming District Governor Dale Smith, from the Rotary Club of Mentor. The theme for the next year is the Magic of Rotary. Rotary International President Elect Stephanie Urchick asks clubs to become simply irresistible this year. You can do this by participating in meaningful work, offering a positive work environment, leading with supportive management, building a leadership of trust, and providing growth opportunities. To read more, visit.
All the best to each of you in the year ahead. Let's stay connected.
In Rotary Service,
Julie Brandle,  District Governor 6630

DG Brandle presentation remarks:

When it was time to consider candidates for the THE MICHAEL J. JOHNS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, which reads:

"With sincere appreciation for demonstrating to all Rotarians in District 6630 the highest leadership qualities of humility, integrity, empathy, and friendship, and for your unwavering support of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. We are honored to follow your example and to call you friend."

There was only one candidate, one person,  who stood out to me. This person has been my one of my go- to people since my days as District Conference chair, so for almost a decade…I’ve been asking them the question – "so what do you think about this?"

...Need to know how to say something in “Rotary’s special language, you ask this person

...Need to know the background of an event or moment in Rotary history, you ask this person

...You need to know the protocol for an event, speech, toast, YOU ASK THIS PERSON

You see, to me she was always more than the rules person, she’s been a guiding hand, a listening ear, and an encouraging force of nature. 

There isn't anything she doesn’t know about Rotary, and with GRACE she is willing to share it with us all. I think that makes her so endearing…her grace. She doesn’t say “I already sent that to you” or “don’t you remember I already told you that”… she just answers, she just helps, she just well…she’s Beverly. 

When we lost our dear friend PRID Mike Johns, Sr this year, she again served, Mike, his family and us all. Helping Mike tell his stories, carry out his final Rotary wishes, and comfort us.

Thank you, PDG Beverly Ghent-Skrzynski, for being there for Mike and me this year and many years before that….oh and she ALWAYS asks about Stetson and that’s the most endearing quality of all.


DG Brandle presentation remarks:
When I hear of someone being selected as a club’s Rotarian of the Year, I always think of them being someone who is out there, someone forward facing, in the public eye.
But the person I selected as this year’s award recipient, this year anyway, was more behind the scenes. 
They have been a Rotarian for 30 years and 2 months and in that time have had plenty of years in forward facing positions. They have served their club in a variety of capacities from volunteer to committee member, to club president.
They are a staunch supporter of the Rotary Foundation as a Paul Harris Fellow +6 and a member of the Paul Harris Society.
They have served their District on committees, board officer roles, and as District Governor, but most notably serving this district and this district governor as Vice Governor. That’s where the more behind the scenes roles come in.
But there are other roles this person tirelessly serves, in the areas of youth protection and legal counsel for our district. One might think his responsibilities for Rotary would be minimal. Our district has kept him busy this year and we are grateful for his commitment to designing and leading policy to keep our district Rotarians and youth protected. We have also kept him busy consistently looking out for the best interest of our district and the welfare of our clubs.
I have been so grateful for his wise counsel, his level headedness, and his friendship this year. When I asked him to serve as my Vice Governor, there were a few things I was looking for… 1.) I needed someone a whole heck of a lot smarter than me who thought completely differently than I do. 2.) I wanted someone who would tell me how it is, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and with 30 + years as a lawyer he knew how to do that – I was sure of it!  And lastly 3.) I knew we needed someone who loved Rotary, its ideals, its members, and its good work and would do what was best for all of us.
Selecting him for Rotarian of the Year though comes more so for all of his efforts in district youth protection over these last few years and leading a committee of dedicated individuals in one of the most thankless tasks.
I’ll insert a plug here...if your club and its members have not completed the necessary work for youth protection, please reach out as soon as possible to get this completed.
Because as much as it is thankless, it is difficult, detailed work. He was definitely the person for the job.
The person I have selected as this year’s Rotarian of the Year is Past District Governor, and my Vice Governor, John Reyes. 

June is designated Rotary Fellowships Month to recognize the importance of international fellowship and goodwill among Rotarians with similar recreational and vocational interests, promote increased participation in fellowships, and increase understanding of this program.

“Fellowship is wonderful; it illuminates life’s pathway, spreads good cheer, and is worth high price.” Rotary Founder, Paul Harris
What are the benefits for Rotarians in joining the Rotary Fellowships?
Fellowship provides opportunities for Rotarians to make lasting friendships outside their own Club, District or country. Fellowships contribute to the advancement of world understanding and peace. Also, Fellowships serve as an incentive for attracting new members to Rotary and retaining our existing members. Indeed, Rotary Fellowship, together with the Rotarian Action Groups, serve as an effective tool in promoting membership development and should be actively promoted in our Districts.
There are many Fellowships that would be of interest to our members, and they are detailed on
PDG Julie West finds great fun in the Birding Fellowship. Besides connecting with Rotarians around the world on this shared interest, she meets the day after the end of each International Convention she attends to go for a local bird watching hike. Maybe you too can find a Fellowship of interest to you!
It was an amazing honor to be afforded the opportunity to represent District 6630 in Singapore this past May at the Rotary International Convention. It was my third Convention having attended Houston in 2022 and Melbourne, Australia in 2023. International Conventions are so inspiring.  Speakers, workshops, and visiting with Rotarians and learning how they meet the needs of their communities in more than 220 countries and geographic areas around the world. You come away with a better understanding of how globally significant Rotary is and what service above self looks like from Akron to Nigeria to India and everywhere in between.
With next year's convention in Calgary,  Canada, its a great deal closer to home, hopefully you can attend!
Hope to see you there!
In Rotary Service, 
Julie Brandle,  District Governor 6630
Members of the Rotary Club of Lakewood and Rocky River Sunrise planted vegetables in the Cove Community Center Garden.
Plants were provided by Pickering Hill Farms.
Thank you to all participants for giving your time to make this project a success!
You can enlarge each image by clicking on them
JULY 27th - Westlake Rotary Art Festival
Click on images to enlarge
Rotary Districts 6630, 6650 and 6600 Fundraiser with the Cleveland Guardians, 2 August 2024
Dr. Albert J. Tien, Chagrin Valley Rotary Club, District 6630 Polio Plus Chair
Did you know that 12.5 million children are totally unvaccinated? The wild strain of polio WPV1 still exists in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Outbreaks of the weakened strain of polio cVDPV1 and cVDVP2 are presently occurring in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and in northwestern Nigeria? Cross border spread has re-infected countries such as Angola, Liberia, Senegal and Sierra Leone? A new strain of cVDPV2 has emerged from the OPV2 vaccine in South Sudan although that vaccine had never been used in this country?
The reservoirs of the wild strain and the spread of the weakened virus are due in part to “Zero Dose Children”. These are children which have never been vaccinated against any communicable diseases.  The causes include living in conflict zones, remote villages and dense low-income urban areas.  
Since 1979, Rotary members have advocated for government support, volunteered, helped build a global network of clinics and health professionals to store, distribute and vaccinate zero dose children and at risk individuals. Together with our partners, over 3 billion children have been vaccinated against polio in 122 Countries and geographic regions. Rotary members have contributed more than US $2.6 Billion to polio eradication efforts worldwide.
In the USA, the last wild strain was eliminated in 1979; however, in 2022, an unvaccinated man in Rockland county, New York was infected by a weaken strain.  The Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization (March 2024) agree that “antivaxxers” and “Zero Dose Children” pose a continued risk of international spread of polio virus and still remains a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
So how can enjoying America’s favorite pass time help eliminate polio and other preventable communicable diseases?  First, just by purchasing tickets to the August 2nd Cleveland Guardians vs. Baltimore Orioles
Game. Tickets can be purchase from the District website. Tickets must be obtained by July 10th. Second, purchase raffle tickets. Grand Prize: First pitch at a future Guardians Game; Second Prize: 2 field box tickets for a future game; Third Prize: Autographed Baseball. Third, bid on silent auction baskets. Individuals, local clubs, clusters are encouraged to donate baskets. All proceeds from the raffle tickets and the silent auction as well as a portion of the ticket price will be donated to Rotary International End Polio Now Campaign for our winning homerun against Polio!!
For details, contact       Stew Buchanan: (330) 607-1442  e-mail:
                                                Al Tien: (610) 810-8433  e-mail:
More information and formal invitations will follow. 

2024-25: The Magic of Rotary

2024-2025 Theme logo - EN

RI President-elect Stephanie Urchick celebrates the magic of Rotary. She says members create that magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member of Rotary.

Download 2024-25 theme logo materials (.zip)

2024-25 presidential theme branding guidelines (PDF)


Clubs have been adding speakers but we want more!!  Has your Club had a speaker that they would recommend to speak at other Clubs? If so, follow the directions here and we will add them!  
Only Rotary Clubs and their members may submit speaker names.  We ask that the speaker has been vetted/heard prior to being recommended.
This page is designed to help clubs find and share speaker information. 
This is only effective with your input.  The page will include speaker names and contact information submitted from Clubs.
To submit a speaker name:  On the page is a short form you can complete with the speaker name and information. 
After you submit that form we will post the information. 
If you need help, just let me know!
Cheryl Warren, PDG
Website Administrator

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Rotary International District 6630
PO Box 578 Burton, OH 44021